See how Simpler can help grow your business

See how Simpler can help grow your business

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See how Simpler can help grow your business

In today's competitive e-commerce landscape, ensuring a smooth and efficient checkout process is crucial. A cumbersome checkout can lead to cart abandonment and lost sales. Simpler offers a transformative solution that not only enhances the checkout experience but also drives significant benefits for your business. Let's explore how Simpler can help you increase conversion rates, offer more payment options, register more shoppers, and sell across multiple channels.

Increase Conversion Rates and Sell More

The checkout process is often the make-or-break moment for online sales. Research indicates that approximately 70% of online shopping carts are abandoned, with a significant 75% of these abandonments due to checkout friction. This friction can include lengthy forms, mandatory account creation, and multiple steps that frustrate shoppers.

Simpler’s one-click, mobile-optimised checkout addresses these pain points head-on. By streamlining the process, Simpler reduces the number of steps required to complete a purchase. For first-time shoppers, Simpler Checkout is at least 50% faster than traditional checkouts. Returning customers can complete their purchases in as little as 6 seconds. This efficiency leads to a substantial reduction in cart abandonment and a notable increase in sales. In fact, businesses using Simpler have seen conversion rates increase by up to 35%.

Offer More Ways to Pay

Flexibility in payment options is critical for meeting customer expectations and reducing cart abandonment. Studies show that offering multiple payment options can increase conversion rates by up to 20%. Moreover, merchants can save up to €30,000 in development costs by integrating all payment methods at once with Simpler.

Simpler supports a comprehensive range of payment methods, including all major credit and debit cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Klarna, Revolut Pay, and PayPal. This extensive support ensures that customers can use their preferred payment method, enhancing their shopping experience and increasing the likelihood of completing a purchase.

By integrating these payment options seamlessly, Simpler eliminates the need for additional coding or complex setups, making it easier for merchants to offer diverse payment methods without any hassle. This flexibility is crucial for providing a smooth and satisfying checkout experience for all customers.

Get More Registered Shoppers

One of the unique features of Simpler is its ability to automatically register new users even if they don't manually create an account. This seamless registration process helps grow your customer database and facilitates faster and more convenient future checkouts. Simplified checkout experiences can lead to a 31% increase in registered users, fostering customer loyalty and encouraging repeat purchases.

With Simpler, shoppers enjoy a guest-like checkout experience while still benefiting from being registered. This approach not only enhances the user experience but also ensures that businesses have a robust customer database for targeted marketing and future engagements.

Seamless Integration and Analytics

Simpler integrates effortlessly with major e-commerce platforms like WooCommerce, Magento, PrestaShop, CS Cart & Opencart. Additionally, Simpler offers comprehensive analytics that provide real-time insights into your sales, payment preferences, and customer behaviour. These insights help you optimise your strategies and improve overall business performance.

Understanding customer behaviour is key to improving sales. Simpler’s analytics tools give you the data you need to make informed decisions, track performance, and enhance the shopping experience.


Simpler is more than just a checkout solution; it’s a comprehensive tool that enhances the entire shopping experience for your customers while driving significant benefits for your business. From increasing conversion rates and offering more payment options to growing your registered user base and expanding your sales channels, Simpler transforms the way you conduct e-commerce.

Ready to transform your checkout experience and boost your sales? Visit our website and book a demo today to see Simpler in action. Make shopping simpler and more enjoyable for your customers with Simpler Checkout.

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